

Article, Consumer, Corporations, Economy / Finance, Energy

Oil producers see price slump outlasting recent rally

Oil prices have rallied lately, but not enough to persuade producers that a nearly year-old slump will end any time soon. Take Doug Suttles, the president and CEO of Alberta, Canada-based Encana Corp., who was in the midst of transforming his company from primarily natural gas production to oil production when oil prices began to plunge last June. (Read More)

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Article, Consumer, Corporations, Utilities and Providers

Utility titan plays harder as industry evolves

Will U.S. electric utilities become obsolete some day? The idea may seem far-fetched given our reliance on massive systems of transmission lines and central power plants that deliver electricity to our homes and businesses. But with the rapid spread of solar panels on residential and business roofs across the country, and the potential for breakthroughs in microgrids, storage systems and other technologies, the business model for electric utilities is coming under scrutiny like never before. (Read More)

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