

Energy, International, Podcast

Turmoil in world oil markets

With China’s economy cooling, and oil production still rising in the U.S. and in some OPEC nations, the outlook for world oil supplies and prices remains as uncertain as ever. In a new podcast series for the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy, I discuss this continuing volatility with the founder of the think tank, Jason Bordoff. Stay tuned for more installments with newsmakers and analysts from around the world! (Listen Here)

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Energy, Government and Politics, International, Podcast

The Iran deal and its impact on oil

What exactly does the nuclear agreement that the U.S. and other global powers struck with Iran mean for world oil markets? And do the sanctions imposed on Iran offer insight for the U.S. and other nations as they seek to punish Russia for its actions in Ukraine? In the latest installment of a new podcast series at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, Bill Loveless sits down with the center’s Richard Nephew, who until recently was a member of the U.S. team negotiating with Iran. (Listen Here)

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