
Utilities and Providers

Article, Energy, Policy, Regulations, Utilities and Providers

Why this Ohio utility lauds carbon controls

The year 2016 will be a crucial one for electric utilities as they prepare to meet new Environmental Protection Agency regulations requiring them to cut their carbon emissions more than ever. Among the milestones in EPA’s Clean Power Plan, which the agency issued last year, is a requirement for states to submit plans by September to comply with the policy’s requirement to reduce emissions by 32% by 2030, compared with 2005 levels. Utilities will play a big part in the development of those plans. (Read more)

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Article, Consumer, Corporations, Economy / Finance, Energy, Government and Politics, Utilities and Providers

Cheap gas, oil craters: 2015 rocked energy sector

The year 2015 has been a tumultuous one for energy throughout the world, including in the U.S. A new era of abundant supplies is emerging here, bringing with it low prices, at least for now. All this comes as the U.S. and other nations take stock of climate change, and the role that producing and using energy plays in the phenomenon. With that in mind, here’s a look back at 10 big developments in energy in the U.S. in 2015. (Read More)

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Article, Consumer, Energy, Technology, Utilities and Providers

Internet of Things puts energy grid to test

Electric grids in the U.S. and other countries face more challenges than ever when it comes to providing power reliably and affordability. Aging infrastructure, increasing environmental requirements and the influx of solar and other forms of renewable energy all make running an electric utility smoothly increasingly difficult. Add to that test the explosion of data and the need to generate, store and process it on a real-time basis. (Read More)

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Article, Corporations, Economy / Finance, Energy, Technology, Utilities and Providers

Electric execs get charge out of tech possibilities

Top executives from investor-owned electric utilities across the U.S. gathered in Hollywood, Fla., last week for the annual financial conference held by their trade association, the Edison Electric Institute. They spent hours meeting with analysts, investment bankers and ratings agencies regarding their utilities’ financial returns and the outlook for capital spending, revenue and earnings. That’s the sort of talk that’s characterized the EEI meeting since it began 50 years ago. (Read more)

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Article, Consumer, Corporations, Energy, Utilities and Providers

Stagnant electric demand sparks mega mergers

Stagnant demand for electricity in the USA is forcing utilities to look elsewhere for revenue and earnings, prompting a surge in mergers and acquisitions. Recent announcements by Duke Energy and Southern Company illustrate the trend, which is likely to continue for some time, according to analysts, including the accounting firm EY, previously known as Ernst & Young. (Read More)

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Article, Government and Politics, International, Utilities and Providers

U.S., Cuba eye offshore drilling possibilities

HAVANA — The thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations is raising prospects for new business opportunities for American companies in the island nation, among them energy. That was evident this past week in Havana, where more than 120 people from the U.S., Cuba and other countries gathered for a cutting-edge conference on offshore oil development. (Read more)

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Article, Corporations, Energy, Utilities and Providers

Ex-Duke CEO: Here’s how to power the world

Jim Rogers spent 25 years as the chief executive of electric and natural gas utilities in the U.S., the last seven as head of Duke Energy, the biggest electric power company in the country. Now, in his retirement from the energy business, Rogers has taken on a new mission: Bringing electricity to the 1.2 billion people in the world who live without it. (Read More)

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Article, Consumer, Corporations, Utilities and Providers

Utility titan plays harder as industry evolves

Will U.S. electric utilities become obsolete some day? The idea may seem far-fetched given our reliance on massive systems of transmission lines and central power plants that deliver electricity to our homes and businesses. But with the rapid spread of solar panels on residential and business roofs across the country, and the potential for breakthroughs in microgrids, storage systems and other technologies, the business model for electric utilities is coming under scrutiny like never before. (Read More)

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